1) Tell us a little bit about your label (art) and what you do?

Sweet for Ana was born out of one idea for designing ‘the holster’. At the time I was working in retail on Queen St in Woollahra and had a plenty of time to imagine and wonder about what I could create that would be unique and useful.

I have ideas for more pieces I want to design but for now my other jobs keep that on a back burner.


2) What inspires your work?

Many different aspects but good ethics and values start it off. Am I creating something useful and am I doing it responsibly? Boring I know but it’s true!

Also it depends what work it is that I am creating, if I’m writing then my imagination has a good hold on inspiring me – taking notes from observations and past memories locked up in the back of my mind.

Where I feel inspired is beside the ocean.

3) What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I work at a design agency called Universal Favourite, I’m a strategist there, we throw around the term “Design Thinking” a lot. So I help others people and businesses define and bring to life their creative ideas. I also lecture and run tutorials on Design Thinking at UNSW Art & Design and I am a yoga teacher.

4) What memorable responses have you had to your work?

I had the awesome experience of walking into The Makery as one of my holsters was being bought and I overheard the girl talking about how much she liked the holster, this left me buzzing for the rest of the day.

When people like it they really like it – this gets me haaaaappy!

Usually people like how unique it is and practical.


5) One thing you can’t live without?

Lemons, I like lemons in my water and squeezed on a bunch of various food stuff. There are a lot more things…passion, creative outlets, lip balm, surf and ocean….the list is probably endless but I like to think I’m not needy.

6) What gets you up in the morning?

Yoga or seeing his smile.

7) How would your best friend describe you in 3 words?

I asked and she said loyal, giving and “unconditionally accepting”.


8) What is the next skill you want to learn?

Drumming, more yoga teacher training and beginning a PHD. Lots on the list!

9) What is your dream project?

Anything to do with helping people to live the good life and enabling them to be spiritually aware and to be happy.

10) Favourite or most inspirational place in Sydney?

I would say for me that would be inside one of the classes I teach at University, it’s got a nice energy and it’s a place to explore and ponder. The students are always great to hang out with, creative minds!


11) What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

I can’t think about advice at the moment but being given the opportunity to teach at uni was an amazing experience that led to various opportunities. Its good when someone sees in you something that you never knew was there.

12) What advice would you give to new, aspiring Makers?

I think most people these days know that it’s possible to start your own business, I think Australia is just the place to do this, opportunities and support networks are endless – one thing I would say; (this saying still applies) good things take time so there is always room for a little patience.


 13) And most importantly, what would your ultimate karaoke song be?

I am such a bad singer and not a fan of karaoke but if I had to do it I would pick something like The Shoop Shoop Song by Cher …so my friends could help me out.

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