Tell us a little bit about your label (art) and what you do?

Our names are Jo and Kel, and we upcycle spoons and tableware to create a range of jewellery. In the future we endeavour to broaden our range to include industrial furniture and a sustainable clothing line. We source out ‘trash’ with a creative eye. Loki & Co’s studio is based in Marrickville, in Sydney’s Inner West.

Loki in Norse Mythology is a God with the ability to shape shift, which seemed fitting with the idea of upcycling; fashioning old objects into something new. Materials are handcrafted and transformed into something uniquely Loki. All Loki items are built with love and a cultural infusion of trash. Loki & Co advocates for sustainable living. All packaging and business collateral is produced using environmentally friendly and recycled materials.


What inspires your work?

Our shared passion for the history of old objects.

Jo, Daughter of Adrian Franklin, the renowned Author of The Making of Mona and Television Presenter on the ABC series The Collectors, Jo spent many weekends at garage sales and markets with her dad. This has given her the appreciation and understanding of antique objects.

Kel, introduced to the nature of collecting early, also from her father, who has a 30 year collection of glass bottles, marbles, and rustic objects dug up from job sites.

Residing in Newpaltz in upstate New York, Kel met some interesting people, who inspired the art of Silversmithing. One of these chaps was a talented Silversmith who had worked on the Super Bowl trophy. This fellow showed Kel the art of hand crafting beautiful jewellery out of antique silverware.


What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

Jo – Bartender, Chef, Farmer, Deckhand, Web Developer

Kel – Bartender, Concreter/landscaper, High School Teacher

What gets you up in the morning?

Kel – fear of missing breakfast and roll call

What is the next skill you want to learn?


What is your dream project?

Opening our own shop


Favourite or most inspirational place in Sydney?

The Junkyard, Londonderry. Amazing.

Reverse Garbage, Marrickville is pretty good too.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

You’re never going to make money in the first 5 years. #sadface

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