Tell us a little bit about your label (art) and what you do?

I began Bottlecosm Terraria as a way to jungle-ify my house…then the jungle took over!  I love the idea of reintroducing plants into people’s homes, and capturing the beauty of nature in a portable microcosm.  Having plants around you makes you more relaxed and purifies the air you breathe – what’s not to love!?

Bottlecosm terraria contain not only plants, but also the other organisms, gases, and water cycles that allow them to thrive with minimal inputs.  I also create a little scene in each terrarium – it might be someone scootering to work, hikers exploring uncharted lands, people playing a friendly game of ping-pong, or a secret woodland peepshow!


What inspires your work?

I am primarily inspired by nature.  In my terraria, I love showing off the beauty of plants, and exploring how humans interact with them.  Often the owner of the terrarium is undergoing their own foray into the plant world, just like the miniature hiker inside the terrarium…which is neat!

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I currently work in a Marrickville bakery, but in the past I have worked at the University of Sydney raising baby redback spiders, and conducted research on insect ecology.


What memorable responses have you had to your work?

I love the moment when people realise that there is a tiny scene being played out in a Bottlecosm terrarium.  They are drawn in by the plants, but shocked to find there is a murder underway within the shrubbery.

Favourite or most inspirational place in Sydney?

The Royal Botanical Gardens of course!  I love exploring the steamy tropical glasshouses most of all…I guess maybe because glasshouses are like giant terraria!


What advice would you give to new, aspiring Makers? 

Develop the craft you love, then get it out there!  Try to get as many people as possible to see it so that you can afford to spend more and more time doing it (I need to remember to follow this advice sometimes!).

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Web: Bottlecosm
In store at Work-Shop Makery -106 Oxford Street Darlinghurst NSW