Tell us a little bit about your label (art) and what you do?

I come under the banner of Fibre Artist who mostly uses a free form style of weaving as my technique of choice, however my activities are not limited to weaving alone. I also conduct weaving workshops and have developed a new Framed Fibre Art workshop being launched Nov 2015.


What inspires your work?

Mostly inspiration comes from a random image or new material that I come across. I am constantly allowing ideas and images to slowly form and percolate as I go about my days and I spend a lot of time online allowing images to creep into the creative part if my mind.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

LOTS! It took me a long time to decide what I wanted to be when I grow up! Iā€™ve cooked professionally, worked various corporate gigs, makeup artist etc. etc. the list is longer but Iā€™m not going to bore you. I currently work two days for an interior design business to help sustain my creative endeavours.


What memorable responses have you had to your work?

I love the fact that people respond to the texture I create in my work and want to plunge their hands/faces/bodies into it. Itā€™s also lovely when people are inspired by what I do, seriously though, thatā€™s an uncomfortable place for me to exist in, and I am currently speaking to my therapist about being ā€˜inspirationalā€™ šŸ˜‰

One thing you canā€™t live without?

I better say my husbandā€¦ā€¦ ā€œmy husbandā€.

But the ceremony of coffee is a very important part of my day.

What gets you up in the morning?

See above, both get me up.


How would your best friend describe you in 3 words?

Bloody hell! I donā€™t know! Do I text them now to find out or just make something up? Ok Im gonna make it up. Im sure they would say I am the sexiest woman alive with no other qualities worth mentioning.

What is the next skill you want to learn?

There is soooooo much to learn in the realm of weaving that it is quite overwhelming. I am about to get my hands on, yet another, loom which will force me to explore more traditional and less ā€˜free formā€ weaving which I think will be quite a powerful learning experience for me.


What is your dream project?

Something really really really big. I am currently limited with how big I can go based on current looms and studio space. Size matters.

Favourite or most inspirational place in Sydney?

Favourite places are my studio and my bed, lame but true. Inspirational places? Anywhere where a group of creatives get together.

Whatā€™s the best piece of advice youā€™ve been given?Ā 

Ignore limiting thoughts.


What advice would you give to new, aspiring Makers?

Donā€™t give up your day job until you have a steady, reliable and predicable income stream (this can take YEARS by the way). Play a lot. Donā€™t listen to the bad things you say to yourself and if you feel something is right in your gut, it means its right.

And most importantly, what would your ultimate karaoke song be?

The closing credits song to Monkey Magic.
Sky Carter 1

Sky Carter Colour weaving tools and fibre art is now available for sale at Work-Shop Makery, 106 Oxford Street Darlinghurst NSW