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Candy is craycray for container plants, sick for succulents, + tantalised by terrariums. She has an “I-only-barter-or-teach-you-how-to-make-‘em” TERRARIUM policy – best JOIN her as she shares her it-would-be-secret-if-she-hadn’t-taught-it-to-hundreds-of-people RECIPE for TERRARIUM SUCCESS.

This is a sexy + SUCCSATIONAL self-contained garden class – vases will be BIG and a variety of ALMOST-EDIBLE succulents will be available in abundance.

Under Ms Sparkles’ super knowledgeable guidance learn how to CHOOSE and SOURCE supplies, DISCOVER plants are Steven-Seagal-like (yes, Hard To Kill), and TRICKS of the terrarium trade. To figurine or not-to figurine? – That is the question that she WON’T ask you ‘cause she’ll just hand you such a sik choice of mini figures that you won’t be able resist their cheesy lure. Choosing from the “Candy Bar” of pebble-colour-choice will fill you with joy and competitiveness as you finesse just the right blend + aesthetic for your plant playground. FRET YE not, Candy will tell you each YOUR terrarium is better than the REST.

What you'll get

  • A sexy “candy-filled” glass Terrarium that you made!
  • TIPS for succulent PROPAGATION + WHAT plant works WHERE will be shared.
  • PRETEND to listen up and she’ll even share with you a brief HISTORY of the origins of the TERRARIUM! BRANG the Candemonium!

what to bring

Candy invites you to come with your tales of terrarium triage, or bring in your terra-disasters + she’ll help resurrect your plant pet!