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Paul’s love affair with tequila began whilst running a cocktail bar in Melbourne’s CBD. This growing passion lead him to open Little Blood, a teeny tiny specialty tequila bar above the Kodiak Club on Brunswick Street. Join Paul as he helps you gain a new appreciation for this traditional late night tipple…

From The Valley to The Highlands, Paul will cover:

  • Intoduction –a brief history of Tequila
  • What it is, where it’s made
  • Production and ageing
  • How to taste and assess Tequila
  • A vertical Tasting of Blanco, Reposado and Anejo Tequila’s.
  • Myths about Tequila.

What you'll get

  • Tequila cocktail on arrival
  • Tequila-Blanco, Reposado, Anejo
  • Tasting Glasses(3 per person)

what to bring

  • A thirst for knowledge (and Tequila!)