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If you’re a busy business owner who needs help taking control of your social channels, are looking for simple, practical strategies to grow your following online, and desperately need hacks and work-flow advice to simplify the whole process, then this social media workshop is the perfect quick and dirty solution for you.

What you'll get

  • Tips on choosing the right channels for your business – no, you don’t need to be on all of them!
  • Insider tips and hacks for productivity on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest
  • Advice on how to make Facebook’s algorithm work for you
  • Advice on how to grow your instagram channels, so that you can make more sales.
  • Membership to the private Homeroom Facebook community, where you can ask questions and connect with other small business owners after class ends.

what to bring

  • A notebook and pen, or your laptop


Be sure to check out our Terms & Conditions before grabbing a ticket.