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Hey! My names Cam Scott and I’m an artist / professional printmaker. Currently I’m finishing off my honours year at COFA, have my own silkscreen business and just generally froth on all things screen. So I’m keen to spread the love and teach you about the awesome things a silkscreen can do.

Most people usually associate silkscreen with Tshirts and posters but over the last 5 years I’ve been exploring the untapped potential for silkscreen, printing all kinds of crazy things in the process. Skateboards, computers, bars, cars, surfboards and a fair few walls around Sydney as well so if your interested or just want to print something of your own – SCREAM SCREEN.

  • Class run through of how silkscreen / preparation / exposing works.
  • Class explanation / demonstration of how silkscreen printing works.
  • Personal explanation of your own screen / best ways to print your design.
  • Personal help printing whatever you want!

(Maybe some sneaky street screening at conclusion if people are keen!)

What you'll get

  • Exposed screens with students own designs (must be submitted a week before class)
  • Inks
  • Squeegees
  • Practice paper
  • Masking Tape

Alternatively, if you just want to get your Print on without the screen we are offering a cheaper ticket.

what to bring

  • Screen designs (must be submitted a week in advance to cameronscott00@gmail.com)
  • Any acrylic paint colours you’d like to print with.
  • Clothes to print in
  • Things to print: Clothes / nice paper / anything flat, smooth and preferably  porous  (I will try and help you print anything and everything but there are some things that just are not made from screen printing. i.e – Don’t bring your bike)