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A fun day of hip hop for beginners, learn the basics of positive hip hop culture, play rhyme games, and together as a group we will write and record a rap song.

Hosted by Rapaport, the creator of independent hip hop label Big Village records.

Aimed at complete beginners aged 8-13. Each participant will have the opportunity to write some of their own lines and also work with the rest of the group.

The day will be a fun way to learn about hip hop as a positive musical self expression, and will give everyone involved a unique introduction to writing and recording hip hop music. After the workshop we will send you your finished piece to be uploaded to Youtube or Soundcloud and shared to the world!

What you'll get

10 – 11:20 – Introduction

  • basics of hip hop
  • history of hip hop music
  • Basic rhyme games, rhyme using your name, your suburb

11:20 – 12:30 – Writing song

  • Work out concepts of song
  • Brainstorm topics
  • Write a chorus as a group
  • Time for each participant to write their own verse

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch

1:30 – 2:00 Finish writing song

  • Help students with their own verses

2:00 – 3:00 Record!

  • Record students verses and chorus
  • Develop students writing

what to bring

  • Packed lunch
  • Yourself and a love for Hip Hop!