School of Cool presents Hoola-Zines! A day of creativity and energy!
In the morning we have a super fun zine workshop using hands on, DIY production methods. Zines are a form of self publishing and expression. Traditionally zines were photocopied, black and white productions due to cost and ease of access to photocopiers, but today the sky is the limit! People have made zines or fanzines about TV series, punk, feminism, music, comics and art, as well as using them as a medium to tell their own personal stories or even publish poetry.
In this workshop we will each create our very own mini 8 page zine, using illustration, collage, stamps, stickers and a proper old typewriter. Your guide and instructor is the lovely and talented Miss Helen!
Have you ever dreamed about running off with the circus? Then get read for our afternoon activity. We’ll be learning the art of hula hooping with some of the coolest tricks in town. If you thought hooping on your waist was all there was to it, you’re in for a surprise.
To start things off, you’ll learn how hula hoops are made, then you get to decorate your own with your crazy personality and style, that you get to take home with you!
We’ll then take it for a spin in a hoop class and prepare for a hoop show at the very end, where you can show off your mad skills! Directing your spinning is the amazing Caitlyn Spinjoy!
What you'll get
Morning: Your very own 8 page Zine and some new skills and crafty techniques.
Afternoon : Some new found ways to spin a hoop, plus your very own personalised hula hoop.
what to bring
Morning:Â Ideas for your zine, pictures you would like to use, stories or drawings you’ve made and would like to include (to fit in a 10×14.8cm page).
Please pack lunch!!!
Afternoon: Clothes and shoes appropriate for moving and grooving!