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This fun creative course designed for kids is all about the making and designing of greetings cards. Students will make two cards. The first card will have a hand drawn pencil design where students will be able to colour in, using various techniques shown to them, including some of the technical skills listed below. Then we will progress to the children designing their own card at the end of the class. Using some visual aids, we will focus on simplifying what we see or drawing from imagination.

What you'll get

Making cards is not just about imagination and creativity, although these things help. What we will also look at is: how to balance pictures, how to simplify images, how to work on decoration and design and ways of using colour effectively.

Technical skills learnt will include:
*Ink/water colour painting techniques, pencil crayon drawings (more of a graphics look) and Ink coloured pen art design.
*Drawing skills of line and form: when to use hard lines, dots stripes and pattern techniques to create a design.

The children will go home with 2 fully designed finished cards each.

what to bring

Materials will be supplied, but if you have your own sketch pads and paintbrushes for water colour/ink, then please feel free to bring along!