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In this class with the socially good chutney gurus from Eat Me Chutneys you’ll learn a little about the ins and outs of Australia’s food system, the basics of preserving and what you’ll need (e.g. sterilising, equipment), and how to make your own chutneys. We’ll split into little groups and make  chutney from scratch, using ingredients rescued in the days leading up to the class. Everyone will take home the chutney they cook.

What you'll get

  • All ingredients including rescued produce, spices etc to make a kick ass chutney
  • Chutney board – seasonal chutneys we have at the time for snacking

what to bring

  • Small containers to take chutneys in
  • Apron (some of the spices are an absolute pain to clean away)
  • A love of learning new cooking techniques