Do you find yourself busy, stressed and overwhelmed by all the things you think you should be doing?
Well, isn’t it time you kicked should to the curb!
Instead of someone asking you, “How are you?” and you replying, “Busy” – wouldn’t it feel good to say “Hey, I’m productive!”? Busy is when things happen to you. Productive is when you make shit happen.
This workshop will help you discover focus, flow and managing your energy levels so you can seriously start kicking goals, because multi-tasking is just the ability to f*ck up more than one thing at a time.
What you'll get
You will learn:
– How to manage overwhelm and burn-out
– How to manage your emotional happiness and mental focus
– How to find your flow
– The truth behind the multi-tasking myth
– The power of permission and play
what to bring
An open mind, personal stories, pen and notepad
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