You’ll learn how to make your very own natural soap using a non toxic melt and pour method of making soap. Students will take home about 8-10 bars of soap using a 1 litre milk carton as your mould!
This is a timeless art that you’ll enjoy for many years to come. So if you’ve always wanted to make beautiful bespoke bars of soaps, this is the class for you! Our aim is to empower you to make bath and body care products that are sustainable, using natural ingredients.
All of the equipment and ingredients are supplied, all you need to bring with you is a EMPTY 1 litre milk carton! Easy! There will also be soap making kits available for purchase so you can make more at home.
What you'll get
- Book with a friend and get $20 off!
- The knowledge of how to make gorgeous soap, anytime you want
- You’ll take home approx. 1 litre of natural handmade soap (about 8-10 chunks)
- An array of different scents, dried flowers/herbs, etc, to choose from.
what to bring
- *IMPORTANT* Please bring with you an EMPTY 1 litre Paper Carton (a square 1 litre milk carton will work best!) Make sure it is a box milk carton not a plastic milk carton. This will be used as your soap mould!
Be sure to check out our Terms & Conditions before grabbing a ticket.