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Are you a young professional earning a good income but struggling to make real progress getting ahead? Are you confused by all the options when it comes to your finances, and figure there must be something you’re missing that could make your life easier?

Are you unsure where you’re heading financially, and worried you’re going to be forced to work until you’re too old to live the lifestyle you want? You’re not alone. It’s time to take control at Work-Shop.

This workshop will help you cut through the jargon and confusing financial terminology and get started funding your ideal lifestyle. You’ll learn how to build a financial plan that will give you what you want out of your finances today, and still set yourself up for the future.

Head to our Facebook page for information on parking and getting to the space.

What you'll get

  • Understanding money basics and how to use the rules to your advantage
  • How to set up your cashflow strategy to fund your ideal lifestyle
  • Understanding investments and how to invest smarter
  • Introduction to property strategies and how to use leverage to your advantage
  • Understanding your super and how to make this money work harder for you

what to bring

  • A business savvy mindset and a trusty notepad


Be sure to check out our Terms & Conditions before grabbing a ticket.