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Most of us live high-stress lifestyles punctuated by busy schedules, connected more with our phones than ourselves and our bodies. Our minds run the show, making check marks on an ever-expanding to-do list. This off-kilter focus affects our creativity, sexuality, relationships and sense of self and our place in the world. But tantra provides a remedy.

What is tantra? This ancient Eastern spiritual practice is almost impossible to define but often described as a way of life that can lead to personal transformation and enlightenment. In this class, we will use tantra for mindful sexuality. Anchor yourself in the present moment, connect deeply with yourself and with others and explore new pathways for pleasure and ecstasy.

This is a super accessible experiential workshop in which there will be a combination of theory, sharing, sense-based meditation, embodiment exercises and breath-work.  We’ll explore what tantra means and perform simple (clothes on, PG-rated) touch meditation. This workshop is appropriate for singles, couples, and people of all orientations and genders. You’ll only do the stuff you want to do—you’re in your personal sovereignty 100% of the time. The class is fully clothed and, while it relates to sexuality, it involves non-sexual interaction.

What you'll get

  • An introduction to Tantra

  • Learn about the physical, energetic, emotional and mental bodies in relationship

  • Discover how to connect genuinely and deeply with yourself and others

  • Deepen the connection with yourself and the present moment

  • Learn simple and powerful practices to develop a present, vibrant and fulfilled sexual life

  • Experience how breath, sound and movement can revolutionise your mental, physical and sexual wellbeing.

what to bring

  • Your beautiful, open-minded self

  • Comfortable clothes


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