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Dive into the world of linocut printmaking in this beginner’s class, and you’ll soon be channelling Picasso or Escher. Linocut burst into popularity in the early 20th century as a printmaking technique. A design is cut, carved or gouged into a sheet of linoleum, and this stamp is then inked and pressed onto fabric, creating repeating patterns. Lino is preferred over wood by many as it lacks a directional grain and doesn’t split. It’s also extremely satisfying to slice and cleave at a supple block of lino, creating a mirror image of your final design.

This class will cover designing and drawing your image, how to transfer it to a lino block, and best methods for proper carving to make a long-lasting and reusable stamp. Your design could be a logo, pattern, drawing or illustration. Experiment with designs before picking your favourite to print on high-quality paper, and finally frame your finished piece. You’ll get to take your new stamp, test prints and finished artwork to keep honing your lino skills. Explore symmetry and tessellation through the satisfying practice of linocut printmaking.

Bring a M8 (or a d8) and score ten bucks off each ticket!

What you'll get

  • A comprehensive introductory course in linocut printmaking
  • Your own custom-made linocut stamp

  • All prints you make

what to bring

  • Just yourself and your imagination
  • An image/drawing you wish to turn into your lino stamp (10cm x 15cm)


Be sure to check out our Terms & Conditions before grabbing a ticket.