Kokedamas, an alternative version of the bonsai, originated in Japan in the 1600’s. Now they are making a big resurgence as they look incredible and are easily transported to decorate any area of the home.
Besides hanging from of string, these moss balls can be placed on decorative plates to be used as feature pieces. They are a breeze to dress up for special events and also make fantastic gifts.
In this hands on class, Tanya will teach you the technique of planting where the roots and soil are wrapped in a ball of moss and decoratively bound by string to hold everything together. We’ll provide a selection of different plants and succulents for you to create your very own masterpiece.
What you'll get
- All materials required to create and construct two of your very own kokedamas (one big & one small)
- Instructions on caring for your new creation
what to bring
- A bag to transport your kokedama home
- Enthusiasm and zest for learning!