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Are you a good saver but not sure how to invest your cash to actually get ahead without taking on lots of debt or risk? Have you thought about investing in shares but don’t know what the options are or how to get started? Do you want to do something smart with your money but not be locked into a huge mortgage? If this sounds like you, we’ve got you covered.

In this workshop we’ll show you how to harness the power of your savings to grow another source of income and build a solid investment portfolio WITHOUT investing in property. You’ll also learn how you can set up your investments and reduce risk at the same time.

NB: Please note this class is about smart investment basics, and will not cover any super complex investments or get rich quick schemes!

What you'll get

  • Investment basics and the key things you need to know to invest smart
  • How to set up a solid investment plan that will actually work
  • How to reduce risk when you invest
  • The actions you can take immediately to drive better money results
  • What your next steps should be and how to get started

what to bring

  • Enthusiasm and motivation to take action and get better results from your money
  •  A smartphone to download workshop resources


Be sure to check out our Terms & Conditions before grabbing a ticket.