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Learn the Exquisite and Elegant form of Calligraphy “Italic Script”. You will gain insight into Ancient Italian letters with flourish and lines along with a little bit of history.You will learn:
How to draw/write beautiful lettering in easy learnable steps
Learn new flourishes and forms for your letters
Learn flexibility and spacing for words
How to comfortably grip your pen for calligraphy
How to develop new tones and curves of linesBring your playfulness and mindfulness.

What you'll get

  • Nib with a holder
  • Calligraphy ink
  • Calligraphy notepad
  • Instruction book
  • Lots of extra tips and techniques

what to bring

  • A note or a word you like to work on.
  • An envelope or a piece of paper or any writable material you would like to write on.