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I Scream Nails is Australia’s leading team of nail artists! With 35+ nail artist, a salon in Melbourne and Sydney, I Scream Nails has done over 500 events since being established in 2012.

I Scream Nails has recently released a DIY nail art book which we will give you a taste of at this workshop.  We will teach you the hamburger, pineapple and flamingo nail art designs as well as give you a bunch of nail art tips and tricks you can take home with you.

What you'll get

  • 2 different designs step by step on how to do each design
  • How to use all the tools included in the nail art kit
  • Secret tips and tricks of the trade

Nail art kit for students including the following:

  • I Scream Nails nail polish
  • I Scream Nails nail file
  • Buffer
  • Sponge
  • Cuticle stick
  • Nail art stripper
  • Pack of 5 dotting tools

what to bring

  • Just yourselves and your nails!