Learn how to carry the benefits of essential oils and gemstones with you wherever you go in this hands-on Gemstone Diffuser Bracelet workshop with wellness advocate and founder of Essentially Me, Joey Gordon.
You’ll discover the benefits of wearing essential oils, for emotional and mood support throughout the day. From uplifting, warm, fresh and fruity aromas to relaxing, earthy, calming and grounding aromas. Joey will also discuss the different properties of gemstones and what they can do for you.
You will be guided through making three bracelets to wear and diffuse with your chosen essential oil, along with the knowledge of how essential oils and gemstones can improve your wellbeing!
What you'll get
- Gemstones
- Stretchy elastic
- Glue
- Tassel (x1)
- Charm/s
- Essential oil
what to bring
- Any charms you would like to add to your bracelets (Optional)
- Creative flair and an open mind!
Be sure to check out our Terms & Conditions before grabbing a ticket.