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Learn how to make and create your very own mini pocket notebook and matching novel page pencil. You will walk away from this class with the knowledge of where to look and find your inspiration and how to use the basics skills of paper craft to create your own mini writing set. Perfect not only for your every day use but also for that extra special handmade gift. You will also get the chance to add your own creative touch to make sure the writing set reflects your personality.

What you'll get

Your very own personalised notebook and pencil set.

You will get to play with all these materials:

  •  A variety of letter and number stamps
  • Ink
  • A variety of card stock
  • Lined paper for inserts
  • Scissors, Glue sticks, Rulers, Staplers
  • Pencils
  • Twine
  • Novel pages

what to bring

  • 1 Piece of Scrap-Booking paper of your choice. All patterns, colours and designs welcome (Spotlight or Lincraft have excellent ranges)
  • If you have a specific type of novel that you would like to re use the pages for you are welcome to bring them in.