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Are you an event promoter, small business owner, filmmaker, fashion designer or artist who wants to learn the tricks to digital marketing?
Artisan Digital Communications has put together a workshop which will highlight the most cost effective hacks in digital marketing: expert tips on running an effective digital advertising campaign with as little as fifty dollars. You won’t just learn how to reach your niche audience but how to retain their data for future contact without a ‘like’ or newsletter sign up.

What you'll get

  • An intensive lesson on digital marketing essentials for online content and advertising.
  • Practical learning environment – this is not a lecture!
  • An explanation on how to create content which cuts through ‘digital chatter’.
  • How to advertise on Facebook and the Google Display Network.
  • What remarking, custom and lookalike audiences are.
  • A practical take home guide book.
  • Q&A.

what to bring

  • Laptop, iPad or Smart phone (not essential).
  • One digital marketing question you’ve always wanted to know for the Q&A.
  • Pen and paper