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Have you ever wanted to crochet before but found it hard to get going? Have you never got close to a hook but want to give it go?

After this class you will go home with a Tee Yarn basket .

Tee yarn is super easy and fun. It is perfect for beginners, because it is thick and elastic and you will be using a chunky hook .

We will be practicing the basics of crocheting: holding the hook and tying a slip knot. Once we are confident we’ll start with learning how to chain, the first stitch in any crochet project, as well as single crochet, slip stitch and adding a new yarn, to make our basket.

You will be surprised to see how quickly you learn and how soon you will be crocheting awesome homewares, accessories and much more.

What you'll get

  • 2 balls of cool Tee–Yarn 
  • A 15mm Hook&Hop Hook 
  • Fun and easy to follow pattern

what to bring

Yourself and the enthusiasm to be ” Infi-Knitly- Hooked”