If your thoughts and busy brain have ever stopped you from experiencing pleasure and presence in your sex life and left you feeling frustrated and hopeless then it’s a sure sign that you need a new sexy mindset to help things move along.
The words that rotate around your mind in sex have the power to determine how much pleasure you feel. Where attention goes, energy flows and helpful, encouraging and empowering phrases work to quieten a busy mind and promote presence. When you clear and clarify your mind, your body will follow.
Sexologist Lauren White knows all too well how the female mind and body works and is on a mission to make sure that you have the most enjoyable and empowering sex life possible. Come identify and shift the sneaky words, common pitfalls and negative thoughts that limit and block pleasure to those that enhance your arousal, build your confidence and allow you to own your true sexy nature.
What you'll get
- A new sexy mindset
- Cards and coloured markers to make your own Sexy Mantra cards
- A set of Lauren’s beautiful Sexy Mantras at the end of the night to take home (valued at $24)
what to bring
- An open mind
- Any extra art supplies you feel will beautify your cards
- A camera or phone to take photos
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