Are you a business owner or self employed creative who finds the financial side of your business and personal finances confusing, and figure you should be able to get more out of your situation but not sure what the options are or where to start?
Are you having some wins in your business and working hard, but struggle finding extra cash for yourself and all you seem to do is pay bills and tax? You’re not alone.
No matter what your passion or idea is, without a solid money management strategy for your business you’ll always struggle to achieve real success.
If you’re self-employed (or planning on taking the leap soon), this class will help you understand where to start and what you should be thinking about when it comes to your personal money strategy and the financial side of your business.
What you'll get
This session will cover
- Understanding company and tax structures and how to use the rules to your advantage
- How to get more out of your finances, (legally) reduce tax, and increase cash flow
- Asset protection strategies for business owners
- How to manage your business finances – book keeping, GST, and your BAS
- Where to start when it comes to planning your personal financial strategy
- Different types of investments and how to make smart investment decisions
- Understanding super fund and the place this has in your financial strategy
- Business/personal protection and insurance strategies
what to bring
- Pen or laptop/tablet to take notes