Valerie has been a home cheesemaker and rampant foodie for 25 years and has a passion for fresh, organic, homemade foods. Valerie’s daughter Angie was born with chemical sensitivity in 1988 and this changed their lives forever. After struggling with food labelling laws, Valerie armed herself with the knowledge and skills needed to take back control of her family’s diet! Valerie became a well informed and conscious home cook and cheese connoisseur and delved into the science behind fermented foods. Valerie published her first book, Home Cheese Making in Australia, in 2016 and is currently working on her second book, Sugar Free Home Preserving.
Joanne has been fortunate to have travelled extensively around the world, gathering a wealth of knowledge and practical hands on experience in several fields. Using these skills, she has been able to invent a sustainable, energy efficient, life changing product, EasyOven. Joanne has created education programs in Design and Technology and the Sciences as well launching a new program in Australia, Unemployed to Self-Employed. All her work promotes employment, encourage Empowerment, Entrepreneurship and encourages a positive behavioral shift in the way our communities live their lives.
Joanne is a member of the following
- UN Global Alliance Clean Cookstoves – Partner
- ISO TC285 – Clean Cook Stoves (responsible to develop the Australian position for the international standards development process.) Australian expert in this field.
- Association for Sustainability in Business – Australia. Member
- Solar Cookers International – Member
About Green Living Australia
The Green Living Australia business evolved from a need to create homemade, preservative free, additive free foods, and chemical free body products to combat the ever increasing food allergy and chemical sensitivity within our society. From this, Green Living Australia has built a strong community, providing pure cultures, equipment and education for conscious foodies to fill their dietary requirements and gourmet food cravings or make all natural body products that are chemical free and sustainable!