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Hold on to your camera straps because Work-Shop have proudly teamed up with Canon and City Of Sydney to run a series of fun and practical photography classes in and around Millers Point and Walsh Bay.

Millers Point has been a hot topic in the press recently due to controversial plans to vacate the public housing and redevelop the area. Our aim with this class is to capture the heritage, streetscape and cultural identity of one of Sydney’s most historic landmarks before development starts.

Each class will focus on different techniques and subject matter so you can come to one or all of them depending on your level of skill. At the end of the series, participants of the classes will be asked to submit their favourite image for the chance to go into a group exhibition curated by Work-Shop and Canon.

What you'll get


  • Subject matter and Photography.
  • Why we don’t use auto.

Technical skills

A quick rundown for beginners and a refresher for more intermediate and advanced users. Participants will gain essential skills to effectively shoot daylight contexts, but also variants for low light shooting.

 Manual Exposures:

  • F-stops – why we privilege narrow f-stops, the relationship between f-stops and depth of field.
  • ISO –the benefits of using a lower ISO.
  • Shutter speed – freezing motion v.s capturing motion.
  • Combining the ingredients, balancing a light meter.


  • Auto focus: Automatic and manual selection of an auto focus point, the benefits.
  • Working on the fly, and being prepared for anything, efficient practice:  locking in your focus and recomposing.
  • Combing autofocus and manual focus. 

Creative skills:

  • Introduction to thirds.
  • Angles and perspective.
  • Leading lines.
  • Incorporating foregrounds.
  • Experimenting with colour vs. low light shooting.
  • Panorama constructions.
  • Trouble shooting exposures: bracketing and shooting HDR images


what to bring

  • Canon will have 70Ds for you to use, however, we encourage you to bring your own DSLR camera (no, it doesn’t need to be a Canon)
  • A Tripod (not necessary but highly recommended as there will be some shooting in low light)
  • A pad and pen/ipad to take notes
  • A love of photography