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Melbourne’s been overcome with craft beer fever; it seems like a new brand of beer pops up every time you visit your local. If you fancy yourself a bit of a hops head, jump on the bandwagon and invent your own frothy drop in this workshop presented by Adrian of Brewsmith.

The first topic is basic brewing theory – what grains, hops and yeasts really do, both in the beers you like and the ones you don’t. Then we’ll dive into the brewing process with a live demonstration covering equipment, methods, ingredients and flavours. Adrian will delve into the subtleties of brewing beer and the art of fermentation, and there’ll be a malt-itude of brewskis to taste-test. Just make sure to take notes – we can’t guarantee you’ll remember this in the morning.

What you'll get

  • Beers to taste
  • Full demo of brewing
  • Workshop notes including tips and tricks

what to bring

  • A writing utensil and a vigorous liver


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