ArtsHub Meetups are a great way to stay connected with your industry, be a part of the Arts community and contribute to the conversation.
Join us at our first ArtsHub Melbourne Meetup, from 6.00pm – 7.30pm, Tuesday 29 November 2016 at Work-Shop Melbourne, where we will be discussing Arts Funding in a Post-Brandis Age.
Join ArtsHub Deputy Editor and Performing Arts Editor Richard Watts in conversation with ArtsPeak and Theatre Network Australia’s Nicole Beyer, as they unpick and illuminate the new realities facing the Arts Sector.
Are the changes to the arts funding landscape permanent? And what is the future of Catalyst?
ArtsHub invites you to stay at the conclusion of the talk, for some light refreshments, and the opportunity to network with your peers and strengthen your industry connections.
We hope to see you there!
Purchase tickets here (25% discount using code WORKSHOP).
What you'll get
An engaging talk on the new realities facing the Arts Sector, some light refreshments, and the opportunity to network with your peers and strengthen your industry connections.
what to bring
Just yourself!