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Join us at Work-Shop for the first annual ARTivism Free Film Festival!

Showcasing a selection of short films documenting how art is being used to draw attention to some of the biggest issues affecting our oceans today such as shark finning, overfishing, rising sea levels and species extinction, learn about the increasing ARTivism movement and find out what you can do to create awareness about environmental causes that you’re passionate about.

The night will be hosted by Spencer Keeton Cunningham, an internationally recognised artist involved with Pangeaseed, a non-profit organisation that collaborates with today’s most influential creative minds to draw attention to plaguing our oceans and sea life that reside within them.

Spencer will also be running a workshop ÁRTIVISM- Art as Activism’ on Saturday 16th April (tickets here).

Register for your FREE ticket here, and make sure you register on the Facebook event page (so your friends know you’re coming)!




What you'll get

Film Screenings!

Good times!

Drinks and snacks available (by donation) on the night.

what to bring

Just yourself (and some mates)!