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There’s nothing quite like a great brief to inspire amazing design, which can mean the difference between standing out or being lost in the crowd. For aspiring designers, being seen is everything, which is why A Brief Exchange was created.

10 industry leaders will be paired with 10 fresh designers, crafting them a unique brief and inspiring them to create an impressive portfolio piece. The applicants are briefed in-studio, and then given 2 weeks to research, develop and refine their concepts. One more meeting is allowed during this time – after which, the group meets for a presentation night at Work-Shop Melbourne.

Each participant will be given 5 minutes for their presentation, and 5 minutes of feedback from all members of the group. Final designs are due on the 2nd of March and will be displayed on the website, with participants free to display them in their own portfolios.

Participating Studios:

– Büro North / Soren Luckins

– Design by Pidgeon / David Pidgeon

– Gozer / Luke Donovan

– Jacky Winter / Li Liang Johnson

– Letterbox / Stephen Banham

– Love and Money / Drew Coughlan

– MASS / Tim Kotsiakos

– Reactive / Prue Jones

– Spenceroni / Spencer Harrison

– Work Art Life / Andrew Ashton

Applications close on the 5th of February 2016, apply here.

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