Liam Power is a Sydney Magician and workshop teacher. Today we put him through 12 questions to find out more about him. What got you into Magic? It was Christmas morning 2001 and a friend of a friend of my dad who was from America was there. He was a Magician, he showed me some amazing close up magic and I knew that’s what I wanted to do. What are your main gigs? I mainly work for companies providing entertainment at networking events, awards nights, team building workshops etc. I also perform at a lot of weddings, private events and festivals When did you start teaching at Work-Shop? I was their 2nd instructor all the way back in 2013. It’s been so good to see the business grow over the year Do you have a favorite trick? That’s a tough one! I do but I change my mind regularly. It also depends if I’m doing a stage show or performing roving magic. I’m more interested in what the audience’s favorite tricks are Do you have a most memorable gig? Several. The first time I performed at Falls Festival was such a buzz I loved it and was on cloud 9 […]

Image via Junkee website Australia is on fire! (and not in the colloquially positive sense) We are literally ablaze and the damage seems insurmountable. There is no denying that we’re in the middle of a climate emergency. So what can we do? As Midnight Oil questioned, how do we sleep when our beds are burning? The most simple, grass roots thing we can do is to stand up to the powers that be and PROTEST! We have the power to unite and express our concerns and we have the right to Freedom Of Asesembly And Association Tomorrow on the 10th of January 2020, we will stand with the people to send a clear message to that Fossil Fool, Ass Clown of a prime minister. We are opening our space (and our supplies cupboard) from 12pm-4pm for you to make your very own sassy sign to take to the protest. Signs will be made of recycled material from our friends at Reverse Garbage. The Sydney Work-Shop Crew, street artist Phibs, Indigenous Artist Nadeena Dixon, Tattoo Artist Sprinkles amongst other creative rebels will be on deck to help you with your masterpiece. Everyone welcome so please help us spread the word! Over and Out, Chet […]