Tell us a little bit about your label (art) and what you do?
My whole career has been in fashion. Art has always been my creative passion since I was a child. Currently I am striving to unify both aspects through my work. I produce a range of items from artworks, paintings to my accessories label, which I started whilst living in Tokyo. Also have branched into digital prints that are derived and reworked from my artworks and translated onto fabrics and products such as pillows, tights and totes.
What inspires your work?
My loves are fashion, travel and people. I love travelling and drawing inspiration from peoples way of life and fashion. Travelling always opens your eyes and mind to the amazing world out there. It’s hard not to be inspired by it!
What jobs have you done other than being an artist?
For over 14 years I worked in the fashion industry covering a wide range of areas from production, retail, design, events, marketing, operations and driving companies amongst other things. I have always worked with and supported renowned Australian labels and companies and I have a strong belief in supporting local talent. I am also Treasurer for a charity group called Friends In Giving that supports troubled youth and Mission Australia. We hold a charity ball annually at the Sydney Hilton. This is our 28th year!
What memorable responses have you had to your work?
Simple gratitude and awe that people have. A lady once purchased a diptych I had painted of a peacock. She was so thrilled and shared her vision of its placement in her house. I loved that she loved it so much, and knowing it would bring her happiness was very fulfilling.
One thing you can’t live without?
My husband ☺ He’s my supporting rock through everything and without him my creative adventures wouldn’t be where they are today
What gets you up in the morning?
My little girl! I’m not a natural morning person but now a days I am up early and have an eagerness to get out and do something exciting with my little girl.
How would your best friend describe you in 3 words?
Passionate. Loyal. Creative.
What is the next skill you want to learn?
Photography. I used to study it and over the years have lost the technical skill. Would love to relearn and utilise such a great medium.
What is your dream project?
To build or make something huge. Bigger the better is always in my mind. To paint a piece on the outside of a 10 storey building or build a giant sculpture that would blow peoples minds.
Favourite or most inspirational place in Sydney?
I always get inspired when I revisit old stomping grounds or areas I lived in. I moved around the East a bit over the years and each area swirls up fun and exciting memories which take me back to different creative eras in my life.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Just do it. If somebody else can build a tower, so can you. Everything is within your capability; you just have to give it a go.
What advice would you give to new, aspiring Makers?
Keep trying. If you fall: get up, learn, adjust and try again.
And most importantly, what would your ultimate karaoke song be?
A very important question. An oldie – piano man!
Sophie Odling