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Get your olfactory system blown wide open and fall in love with your sense of smell!

Learn about the fascinating history of incense; it’s relationship to time-keeping, health and spirituality, before getting intimate with rare aromatic tree resins and fragrant woods from around the world.

Incense artisan Rachel Clutterbuck from Resonant Aromatics Natural Incense Co. will guide you through the magical process to create your own incense. Learn how incense is made and the many approaches to heating and burning.

Choose from premium grade wild-harvested resins and woods, organic fruits, flowers, herbs and roots to create your own unique incense cones.

Take what you make home, along with a free goodie bag of incense charcoal and incense samples!

Whether you want to raise the vibration of a space or simply perfume the air, don’t miss your chance to attend one of Melbourne’s only Incense Making workshops and discover more about this ancient tradition.

What you'll get

Tasting of Frankincense-infused water and chewing gum, and Palo Santo tea

A selection of premium ingredients to make your own incense:

  • Wild-harvested aromatic resins (Frankincense, Myrrh, Benzoin, Copal + more)
  • Sustainably harvested woods (Japanese Makko powder, Western Australian Sandalwood, Palo Santo + more)
  • Organic herbs and roots (Cinnamon, Rosemary, Bay, Vetivert, Orris + more)
  • Dried flowers and fruit (Organic Citrus Peel, Rose, Lavender, Calendula + more)

Mortar and pestle to use in class

Take-home incense goodie bag

what to bring

A willingness to get your hands dirty!


Be sure to check out our Terms & Conditions before grabbing a ticket.