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Drunk Painting is for EVERYONE!  Total beginners, or those with painting experience… are all welcome.

The term ‘drunk painting’ is meant figuratively (although, we’ll make sure to have some drinks available to you… if desired!).  It’s a state of mind.  When ‘drunk painting,’ we lower our inhibitions, remove the worry of  what our art looks like, and focus on having fun so that we can create a masterpiece!

Bring your mates, bring a date, bring your mum or come solo for a night of fun!

***The Other Art Fair are offering FREE entry (valued at $15) for workshop participants. Click here and enter code WORKSHOP_TOAF to secure your tickets!***

What you'll get

  • Refreshments of Beer & Wine provided
  • Acrylic paint & palettes
  • Canvases
  • Selection of brushes
  • Be ready for the lovely Kim to dazzle you!

what to bring

  • We’ll provide the drinks- cheers Young Henrys and Cake Wines
  • A willingness to leave your comfort zone behind for an evening
  • Dress for a mess!


Be sure to check out our Terms & Conditions before grabbing a ticket.